Miray Alanlar | Deneyin, Öğrenin ve Mutlaka Yapın!

Yapmak istediğiniz her şey için tüm bilgileri toplayın, ilginin ötesinde ne yapacağınız sizi istediğiniz noktaya götürür diyor Miray Alanlar, Silikon ...

Elmira Bayraslı | Steve Jobs Lives in Pakistan

Elmira Bayrasli reflects on the lessons she has learned researching and writing : From The Other Side of The World: Extraordinary Entrepreneurs, Unlik...

Canan Tan | Keşke dememek için!

Canan shares with us how she wrote her own story from a young pharmacist to a best-selling author. Canan Tan's passion for literature dates back to he...

Günseli Kato | Bana her gün pazar!

She shares with us how she pursued her passion and embraced the new and the old in her art. She wonders why every day cannot be "Sunday" for others if...

Esra Turk | Living Life Fully

A turning point for Esra Turk was deciding she didn’t need to justify her life to anyone. After encountering plenty of unsolicited opinions about her ...

Ayşegül Gürerk | Leading Beyond Your Authority

Ayşegül Gürerk has always had a gift for connecting people. But what happens when she takes a risk and decides that gift might just be enough to trans...

Ayla Göksel | Keep Calm and…No! Don’t Keep Calm

Ayla Göksel is fired up about social change, and she does not want to be calm about it. Her work with leading foundations and civil society organizati...

Sera Tokay | Kadından orkestra şefi olur mu?

Sera Tokay, dünyadaki ender kadın orkestra şeflerinden ama ona göre asıl kadınlar orkestra şefi olmalı! Neden mi? İzleyin, göreceksiniz.

Defne Kepcan | Siz Çocuklara Hangi Fırsatları Veriyorsunuz?

Geleceğin politikacısı, Seferihisar Çocuk Belediye başkanı Defne Kepcan, projelerinden ve hayallerinden bahsediyor.

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