Our Partners Essential for Reaching Equality at Work
TurkishWIN thrives by co-creating with like-minded organizations with a passion to reach gender equality at work.
PARTNER WITH USInvesting in a gender-equal future takes a village of change-makers! We are pleased to work with hundreds of partners. Thank you for making our work more memorable and impactful.
- Melek Pulatkonak Founder of TurkishWIN

International Partners

Give Back Partners

Know-How Partners

global sisterhood
in 7 countries
Partnership Philosophy
Investing in a gender equal future takes a village of change-makers!
We are grateful for our partners and appreciate them to pieces. We collaborate with partners around three strategic initiatives:
WIN Next Generation: Aligning with partners targeting female university students and youth in general.
WIN in Digital: Joining forces with partners to amplify the number of role models, career tips and audiences in digital platforms and accessible to women free of charge .
WIN Together: Creating win-win partnerships to contribute to the rising number of women in the workforce.
Our values guide us in how we build and manage our partnerships: accountability, courage, curiosity, generosity and collective success.
The sisterhood movement has a limited number of resources and amazing ideas waiting to be unleashed. If we are not the right partner for you, we will make sure to connect you with the right one!
Featured Partner Projects
In 2014, TurkishWIN , KAGİDER and UPS Turkey launched the Women Leadership Platform (WLP)/ Kadın Liderlik Platformu. In 2019, EBRD joined WLD. Our objective is to provide a gathering and sharing space to companies to exchange best practices in diversity and inclusion (D&I)programs with a specific gender focus. As of 2022, around 400 companies attended WLP events and use the platform’s website as a reference. Kadın Liderlik Platformu
In partnership with XSIGHTS Research and Consultancy, we are on a quest to measure indicators that are important for the labor force participation in Turkey. You cannot fix what you cannot measure! We thank the Xsights team and her fearless leader, Cigdem Penn, for their continued support since 2017. You can access our research results below. https://turkishw.in/research
At TurkishWIN, we have been running a mentoring program since 2012 and a STEM youth program since 2015. When we heard about the Million Women Mentor program, we knew that all our know-how and passion for networking for change has prepared us for today: to bring change and impact in scale. Milyon Kadına Mentor connects private, public, and NGO sector leaders with young women (15-25 year old) for mentorship opportunities in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. The program was founded together with the U.S. Chamber’s U.S.-Turkey Business Council and its Women in Business Initiative, alongside the project partners TurkishWIN's BinYaprak platform and TOBB. The program convenes STEMConnector’s global expertise and TurkishWIN’s wide network of mentors and mentees and is supported by our Founding Circle partners: Beba Foundation, Limak Holding, Logo Yazılım, and PepsiCo Turkey. The program has three goals:
- Activate companies and change agents By providing an umbrella for mentorship programs targeting female high school, university students, and young professionals.
- Convene leading STEM mentoring program across Turkey to raise awareness to the amazing work of our stakeholders.
- Curate 1,000,000 mentoring relationships To support women and girls in STEM careers over the next 10 years