M. Bilge Demirköz | Finding Dark Matter in a Whiteout

How do you look for something if you don’t know what it looks like? M. Bilge Demirkoz is part of the team searching for Dark Matter at the CERN Collid...

Aylin Nazlıaka | The Making of a Politician

Aylin Nazlıaka was fortunate to recognize early on that no matter what career she pursued, she wanted to touch people’s lives in some way. As a member...

Gökden İpek Yosunlu | Harnessing the Power of Rural Turkey

When Gökden İpek Yosunlu went on a casual walk with her mother in her hometown of Mersin, Turkey, she never imagined she was about to stumble on an id...

Tülin Akın | Üniversiteden 1 Milyon Çiftçiye

Öğrenciyken kurduğu Tarimsalpazarlama.com ile Türkiye’nin ilk e-ticaret medyasını hayata geçiren Tülin Akın, bir kadın girişimcinin üniversiteden 1 Mi...

Ayşe Şule Bilgiç | Her şey Mümkün! İmkansız Diye Bir Şey Yoktur

Ayşe Şule Bilgiç is the creator of Pepee, an entrepreneur and jack of all trades. She shares with us how she questioned her choices and decided to tak...

Leyla Alaton | Kızkardeşlik

Pek çok kadının kız kardeşi, rol modeli, yol göstericisi Leyla Alaton’dan tüyolar! Hayatta ilerlemek için çalışmak çok önemli, peki ya kız kardeşlik?

Özlem Feride Çöplü | 43 Yaşında Annelik Yolculuğu

Özlem Feride Çöplü is a seasoned business professional.She takes us through her journey from a single professional to a mother of a young boy, by adop...

Dilek Duman | Teknolojiyi Üretmek!

Dilek Duman is an innovator. She believes that Turks can innovate and export technology solutions to the rest of the world.

Ayse Baykut Dallal & Yasemin Örs | Oy ve Ötesi: For Love of Country

What would you do for love of country? Ayse Baykut Dallal & Yasemin Örs answered this question by pouring their passion into “Oy ve Ötesi” (Vote a...

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