#GiveBack at TurkishWIN and Support the CampusWIN Academy Program Today


CampusWIN Academy is the leadership program of the Turkish Women’s International Network and is the central pillar of our win next-generation #GiveBack strategy. To date, we have over 300 CampusWIN alums and our current cohort of 60 amazing CampusWINners. 


TurkishWIN’s #GiveBack strategy has three pillars: 


WIN Next Generation:  Our goal is to inspire female high school and university students to become the best version of themselves in the workplace. Our message: “If I did it, so can you!” We provide access to role models, career tips, and relevant networks in three platforms: CampusWIN Academy,  BinYaprak, and Milyon Kadına Mentor (MKM) Hareketi. 


WIN in Digital: The future of work is being shaped in digital spaces but not every sister has the same ability to attend events in person. Our goal is to even the playing field for all of us, whether the events are in person or virtual. When she is searching for a role model, career tip, or a supporting network, we want to be there! We work tirelessly to increase the number and variety of role models, career tips, and networks. 


Our digital #GiveBack platform BinYaprak is available free of charge, offers content in Turkish, and serves as an umbrella for all change-maker organizations who do not have the resources to invest in digital platforms. 


WIN Together: Investing in a gender-equal future takes a village of change-makers. We partner with organizations that share our values, passion, and target audiences to amplify our collective success and impact. You can check out our #WinTogether partnerships here. 

As TurkishWINners, we choose to leave a legacy, not just through the work we do but the relationships we create and the women we impact along the way.  We are one less without you. 



What is CampusWIN Academy? 

CampusWIN Academy is the leadership program of the Turkish Women’s International Network since 2012. We’ve designed a program we wish we had in our university years.


CampusWINners lead the change they want to see at university campuses for a gender-equal future in society and at the workplace. They are our sisters from other misters. These amazing young women invest five hours a week toward building a gender-equal future. We invest in their leadership, give them tools to realize their potential and platforms to be the change they want to see for gender equality. Rising leaders complete the program in three academic years and graduate to the CampusWIN Alumni Network. 


The program admits up to 60 female university students during an academic year. Our recruitment process is rigorous and led in partnership with ManpowerGroup Turkey. Each year, we welcome a cohort of 20 amazing CampusWINners. 



What Do We Offer at CampusWIN Academy? 


  • A three-year-long leadership program designed and curated by our partners to help our leaders learn and grow, 
  • An online-on demand learning platform supplemented by monthly CampusWIN Academy meetings with interactive online training, 
  • A digital self-coaching platform powered by SparkUS Digital Coaching Platform, 
  • A sisterhood network for peer learning and sharing, 
  • An amazing Sisterhood Hour program where they can meet with female role models - all year round- on topics that interest them, 
  • Opportunity to meet with amazing role models in TurkishWIN’s global network  
  • A mentoring program and coaching program opportunities, 
  • A safe environment to practice new skills and platforms where they can lead beyond their authority to build a gender-equal future at CampusWIN Academy, BinYaprak, and Million Women Mentor platforms,  
  • CampusWIN Academy Champion Program to help CampusWINners discover career opportunities in different companies with dedicated points of contact, 
  • The supporting CampusWIN Alum and TurkishWIN networks help with career orientation after graduation. 



How Do CampusWINners #GiveBack to Contribute to a Gender Equal Future? 


CampusWINnners give back by 

  • Leading the organization of the TurkishWIN Career Day, the only career day for female university students in Turkey since 2015. Their impact: Over 6000 sisters attended these events. (2022)
  • Leading and supporting the only local student clubs with the name “woman” in their name: Women in Business/ Iste Kadin Kulupleri since 2012. Their impact: 11 Women in Business Clubs are operational all over Turkey (2021) 
  • Sharing their experiences, role models, and career tips in blogs, live events, and videos at BinYaprak since 2015. Their impact: >1 million in reach (2021) 
  • Build their legacy by supporting the Milyon Kadına Mentor program. The Million Women Mentors program is one of our give-back programs and connects private, public, and NGO sector leaders with young women (15-25 years old) for mentorship opportunities in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. 



How Can You #GiveBack at the CampusWIN Academy? 


We thought you will never ask! You can give back by: 

  • Being her mentor. Create your mentor profile and say yes to a CampusWIN mentee! Check if your mentee applicant is a CampusWINner:-) 
  • Sharing your know-how by giving training. We will have a call-out each semester for specific topics. 
  • Posting internships and new hire positions at the CampusWIN Academy group. 
  • Responding to CampusWINners’ emails for informational meetings. 
  • Hosting a Sisterhood Hour by sharing your experience or giving a training. 
  • Suggesting a great partner for the program: we are always on the lookout to offer training with certifications (a good example is Project Management Institute) or tools like DISC to help our younger sisters learn and grow- pro bono is preferred! 
  • Joining the program’s braintrust. 
  • Offering a great case or competition opportunity to this amazing group. 
  • Last but not least- looking up your university’s CampusWIN leader and saying hello!


Who Are These  CampusWINners: these Exceptional, Rising Female Leaders of Turkey? 


Meet İnci Kadribegiç

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When we met with  İnci, she was an undergraduate student at Trakya University in the Faculty of Medicine. Focusing on stem cell research, the holy grail of biological and health sciences of the last century, was not a hard decision for her. During her freshman year in medical school, she applied to 193 labs to take part in ongoing research projects based on stem cells, and she was rejected. However, each time, she did not give up. After her 194th application, she started her stem cell research at Koç University Faculty of Medicine. Thereafter, she applied to the Summer Internship Program of CIRA - Kyoto University, which was founded by 2012 Physiology Nobel Laureate Shinya Yamanaka, and was selected out of thousands of applicants globally. She has taken part in many prestigious national and international conferences as a speaker and moderator and received numerous awards for her scientific achievements and commitment. Moreover, she represented her school and country at the National Institute of Health and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories. Inci’s love for each color of the rainbow shades all aspects of her life. If you can’t find her in the lab, she is probably hiking, watching the Premier League or exploring many places all over the world.  


We recruited İnci as a CampusWINNer, and invited her to give a TurkishWIN Talk to share her inspiring story. 

We supported her with mentors and increased her impact circle at BinYaprak where she recruited a team of life science students to share their stories in blog posts and with events. We pitched into her Cold Spring Harbor research fellowship with a crowdfunding campaign. And İnci kept on giving back by sharing her experiences at BinYaprak. 

She inspired us with her BinYaprak talk, sharing this time, how she made it to Cold Springs Harbor as a research fellow (2018). 

As a front-line health worker, she shared with us how to protect ourselves during the Corona epidemic (2020).  

 Inci has shared her mentoring experience with her TurkishWIN mentor (2021). 

She is off to become a research associate at the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago in early 2023.  In her own words: 

“ I call TurkishWIN a gift to the heart. My prior volunteer work has sharpened my determination in pursuing gender equality. Among other experiences, the most impactful turning point in this odyssey was my CampusWIN journey. This brief personal experience guided me like the needle of a compass directing me where I was supposed to be, and which road I have to start paving. Pro-active training and professional teamwork helped me build the skills I need to reach my best version. Plus, I learned to love each color of a rainbow from this amazing team and I am super excited to see how deeply women inspire one another. I am grateful to this fabulous family who believed in me and helped me achieve my dreams. 

”Now, my motto is “I am here for you, sis.  Let’s rock the World!” 


We invite you to #GiveBack at CampusWIN Academy and inspire the rising female leaders in Turkey. Act today! 


If you are not a TurkishWIN member, join us today. Our membership application is online at this link. Our dues are annual and you can join us any time based on a 12-month  rolling subscription. We are one less without you!


If you are interested in applying to the CampusWIN Academy program, check out our program website (https://campuswinners.com/) and follow our social media accounts for a call for the next cohort in March. We cannot wait to meet you!

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