Meet A WINner: Sanem Yıldız


Aren't we lucky to have a trailblazer like Sanem Yildiz in our braintrust! We are grateful to Sanem for contributing to the CampusWIN Academy program design and curation. Not only is she giving us amazing ideas and insights, but she also mobilizes her vast network.

Sanem is the Managing Partner of  'Askıda Ne Var', which is one of the biggest social enterprises in Turkey that provides meals, clothing, tickets to theaters, concerts, movies, books, and computers as well as opportunities to study abroad at university students, all free of charge.

Sanem is a social entrepreneur, a next-generation guru, and a powerhouse.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

I have received so many catchy advices :) My favorite of 2021: "Neither %99 is an immense probability nor %1 is a tiny one".

One thing you wish you had known earlier in your career.

Don't struggle and waste time for anyone whose mind you can't change. Instead, create alternatives and take actions that will make them regret.

If you could have any three people (dead or alive) over for dinner – who would they be?

Atatürk, Hz.Muhammed, Mevlana.

Who are your role models?

Anyone who really dedicates herself/himself to goodness/humanity in any fields and continues on the way without deviating from her focus and giving up. For example Gandhi, Florence Nightingale, Mandela, Türkan Saylan etc.

Name a book you read that positively shaped you.

The Little Prince.

You believe in sisterhood at work because…

Not only at work of course. The most important power to make the world a better place is that good people support each other. That's why the chosen sisterhood is one of the most important forces in life.

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

Changing the lives of all disadvantaged children & youth positively.

Share a story about a time when you were really proud of your achievement.

We touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of university students every year. Every year we give more support to more students. That's why at the end of every year, a new story of pride is written for us. But the proudest thing is that the ex-student/new worker benefited from us convince all their managers in their companies to cooperate with us in order to support other student siblings. We have seen countless examples of this over the past 10 years. This year is our 10th anniversary, we have shot a documentary-like film series about these stories.

Share a story about a time when you recovered from a great mistake.

When a person usually makes a mistake; her/his normal state of agility, common sense, and analysis skills seize existing usually. However, without mistakes, accuracy and success are unattainable. If I make a great mistake, first of all I strived to stay calm. Then, I try to save the day and recover from that mistake by my carefully measured action plan which is balanced by my inner voice and my mind as always.

Your advice to the next generation of career women from your learnings.

Not advice, but suggestions from the heart that I try myself :) Firstly, believe synchronicity and Imagine:)


- Say: "Only I know/do best."

- Start any work in an unplanned way, thinking that you have too much time

- Belittle others' opinions/actions.

- Give unnecessary effort to convince people whose minds can't be changed.

- Let people demotivate you and things that make you despair.

- Give up on your passion until your mind and heart says together

 - It is ok to be afraid to try new things.


- Try to read, learn, think, analyze, repeat.

- Find a balance of your heart-mind and believe your inner strength.

- Know that there is nothing to be unreachable, just set the right goals and walk that path with faith. There is always an     alternative way that you can discover.

- Whatever you do, make sure to add goodness/benefit to it.

- Make an effort to build strong/firm friendships: the most valuable power in our lives.

- Consider the opinions/suggestions of your real friends on the road you walk.

- Try to stay calm, positive, sympathetic in any situation.

- Love much because it always returns back to you.

Describe yourself as a teenager in 3 words.

inspiring, kind-hearted, entrepreneur.

If you weren’t in your industry – what would you be doing?

Lawyer/Judge or Doctor:)

If your house was on fire, what two things would you run back in to get?

Photo Album and Phone:)

How do you keep your growth mindset going?

Reading, thinking, learning, searching, analysing, going into action consistently and stubbornly:)

What is your advice on beating the imposter syndrome?

I strongly believe in myself because I always do my best in every way, with empathy and kindness.

Watch Sanem's insightful commentary to our join research with Xsights Research and Askida Ne var on youth's perceptions for social inclusion at our giveback platform BinYaprak.

Watch Sanem's insightful commentary to our join research with Xsights Research and Askida Ne var on youth's perceptions for social inclusion at our giveback platform BinYaprak.


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