- Ayşegül Gürerk has always had a gift for connecting people. But what happens when she takes a risk and decides that gift might just be enough to transform her career, her life and perhaps…our entire society? Get ready to get inspired.

Ayşegül Gürerk
CEO of Common Purpose Turkey
Ayşegül Gürerk is CEO of Common Purpose Turkey. She graduated from Middle East Technical University and completed her Masters' degree in Educational Supervision at Pace University in New York. She joined Common Purpose in 2007 and founded Common Purpose Turkey/Ortak İdealler Derneği in 2008. Also during this time between 2009 and 2011 she was the Regional Development Manager for Edexcel, an accreditation company under Pearson Education. Prior to 2007 between 2000 and 2007 she worked at British Council, first as Istanbul Education Services Manager and then Turkey Exams Services Manager. From 1990 to 2000 she lectured at Ankara Bilkent University and Istanbul Bilgi University respectively on English-Turkish Translation Studies and Communication Skills classes. Aysegul is a member to various Turkish NGOs and is fond of social responsibility projects. Her favorite leisure activity is travelling.