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Ilginay Göbüt Göksel | The Real-Life Horse Whisperer

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Does it ever feel as though your intuitive and rational selves are doing battle with one another? Your brain tells you one thing and your heart another? İlginay Göbüt Göksel has a horse that can help you with that. Her talk explains it all.
Ilginay Göbüt Göksel | The Real-Life Horse Whisperer

Ilginay Göbüt Göksel


İlginay Göbüt Göksel is the founder of Atla Gelişelim (Excellence with Horses). She is certified equine guided educator (Strozzi Institute, California) and TV programme producer on the subject of horses. İlginay has 17 years of experience in sales and marketing in the telecommunication and fast moving consumer goods sectors. She received her master degree from Webster University in Vienna. She has been a horsewoman since 1994.