We all know that a new breed of people managers are emerging. The people managers of tomorrow have a holistic view on management and inspire others to realize their best potential.
Yaprak Metin, Executive Counsellor to the Board at Toksöz Group, is a member of our brain trust and is curating the "How to be a People Manager" series targeting young professionals at TurkishWIN. She will have three guests, all rock star people managers: The Decisive, The Wise and The Agile. Her first guest, The Decisive, was Berna Tuncel, the Human Resources Director at Enerya (STFA Holding).
Before we met Berna, we caught up on the recent changes in management styles, the wholesome approach and got precious tips on how to:
Reminding us about PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi's wisdom, Yaprak invited us to challenge ourselves. Indra says "It's far better to challenge yourself by raising your hand for the toughest assignments and work to solve problems that no one else has been able to solve." Well, if you do want to be noticed, raise your hand up for the challenge!
Yaprak invited the young and impatient managers in the audience to bottle up their energy for the marathon. In her words, "A manager should know that leading is a lifetime challenge and process." As we build our stamina, tough managers help us learn what not to do as a manager. The audience surely had a heated discussion on how to manage "challenging" bosses and how much longer one should learn this lesson while suffering!
Our choices anchor our lives and as we discussed Berna's choices, it was clear that making our personal lives a priority is a fine planning job. Her story inspired us all and shed some tips.
For those who missed this event, the wisdom recipe for young professionals were:
- have a clear goal
- be result-oriented
- have self discipline
- be a subject matter expert
- be a team player
- master your whole self (mind, body, spirit)
We hope you will have managers who will give you wings to fly as they soar in their careers.
We thank Yaprak Metin for sharing her wisdom and for Berna Tuncel for accepting our invitation. We are looking forward to meeting Yaprak Metin's next guest, "The Wise," at our "How to Become a People Manager" Learning Circle series.