Özge Yılancıoğlu Erol

Özge Yılancıoğlu Erol


East Europe District Labor Manager

“ Are you ready for change? ”


My Bio

Özge Yılancıoğlu Erol was born in 1981, Istanbul, Turkey. She is a graduate of Saint Benoit French High School and has a BA degree in Sociology from Boğaziçi University. During her studies, Özge worked as part-time specialist in Human Resources functions of different local and multinational companies and started her professional career in 2005 as HR Business Consultant in SpenglerFox Executive Research & Consultancy mainly responsible from technology sector. She took part in consultancy business for six years with different HR and BPO projects. In 2011, Özge joined in UPS Turkey as the HR Supervisor and soon was promoted as the Turkey Country HR Manager in January 2012. As of March 2017, she has been assigned to UPS Netherlands as the Country HR Manager and moved to Eindhoven, The Netherlands. In 2019, she has been offered UPS East Europe District Labor Relations Manager Turkey and moved back to Istanbul, Turkey working remotely. Her leadership was instrumental in formalizing UPS’ Women’s Leadership Development in Turkey, creating the Young Millenial’s business resource group in Turkey and the Woman Leadership Platform which was launched on February 26, 2014, with the partnership of UPS Turkey WLD, KAGIDER (Women Entrepreneurs of Turkey) and Turkish WIN (Turkish Women International Network) with the aim of increasing women workforce in private sector companies and raising awareness to empower women for further leadership position in top managerial positions. Özge, happily married and having 6 and 2 year- old two lovely daughters, can speak both fluent English and French.
Özge Yılancıoğlu Erol, 1981 İstanbul doğumludur. Liseyi Saint Benoit Fransız Lisesinde tamamlamis, Bogazici Universitesi Sosyoloji bölümünden mezun olmustur. Üniversite eğitimi boyunda yerli ve yabanci degisik firmalarda yari zamanli İnsan Kaynaklari Uzmani olarak calismistir. Profesyonel kariyerine 2005 yılında SpenglerFox Ust Duzey ise alim Danismanliginda teknoloji sektöründen sorumlu Insan Kaynaklari Danismani olarak baslamistir. Devam eden alti yil boyunca çeşitli insan kaynaklari ve is surecleri danismanligi projelerinde bulunmustur. 2011 yılında UPS Türkiye'ye Insan Kaynaklari Mudur Yardimcisi olarak katılmış, 2012 yilinda Ulke Insan Kaynaklari Muduru pozisyonuna terfi etmistir. 2017 yili basinda Hollanda Ülke Insan Kaynaklari Muduru pozisyonuna getirilerek Hollanda- Eindhoven’da yasamaya baslamistir. 2019 yilinda UPS Dogu Avrupa Bölgesi'nden sorumlu İsci İliskileri Muduru pozisyonuna geçiş yaparak Istanbul yerlesik bolgesel calismaya baslamistir. UPS Türkiye bünyesinde kurulan Kadin Liderlik Gelisimi Komitesi, Genc Kusak Komitesi ve 2014 yılında kurulan Kadin Liderlik Platformu gibi TurkishWIN ve KAGİDER ile paydas olarak baslatilan projelerin liderligini ustlenmistir. Evli, 6 ve 2 yasinda iki kiz cocugu annesi olan Ozge, akici Fransizca ve İngilizce bilmektedir.

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Your DEI leadership has been remarkable! Always passionate, always positive. You confirm my belief that it only takes a few good people to be the change we want to see.

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