Gulcan Ustay

Gulcan Ustay

Fitch Ratings Inc Toronto

Senior Director

“ Be Yourself; Focus on your goal. ”


My Bio

Gulcan before joining Fitch Ratings, she has spent 10 years in banking sector in two different banks. (Iktisat Bank and Demirbank (named after HSBC Bank ) . She has started her career as a credit marketing analyst in a branch and she has worked in international division&correspondentbanking departments more than 7 years. In 2000 after HSBC Bank acquired Demirbank , she has worked for financial institutions department for 3 years. During 10 years banking career, she has actively involved in credit analysis (corporates and banks), marketing and trade finance products. She has taken active role in developing and managing relations with foreign banks in order to increase the banks' ability to access long-term funds. She managed debt origination in the international capital markets through various structured finance products, syndicated loans, bilateral bank loans. She has actively marketed trade finance and export credit agencies products to the customers and she has handled various transactions with different export credit agencies. She has also represented the bank in several meetings abroad and Turkey. She has also taken active role in the bank's bond issuance and sale due diligence process. In 2000, after joining HSBC, FI department she was actively working with local banks in Turkey in order to increase trade finance volume of the bank. She has also prepared limit allocation reports for Turkish Banks. In 2005 she joined Fitch Ratings responsible for business development activities of the company covering all the sectors and products. Se has improved the number of the rated institutions in Turkey , Azerbaijan, Romania and Uzbekistan. She has actively managed the relations with banks, corporates, local®ional governments, asset managers, insurance, leasing and factoring companies. She has also actively marketed structured finance and covered bond rating services to the customers. She has actively represented Fitch in different type of events abroad and Turkey. In April 2012, She has been promoted to Fitch Ratings Istanbul office. In September 2018 she has been transferred to Fitch Canada office as senior director business development responsible from Canadian market.
Gülcan Üstay, Fitch Ratings Inc Kanada’da is gelistirme grubu altında yatırımcı ilişkileri; uluslararası kamu ve global altyapı finansmanı müşteri ilişkilerinden sorumlu Kıdemli Direktör olarak görev yapmaktadır. Gulcan Ustay Eylül 2018’de Fitch Ratings Toronto ekibine katılmadan önce; 13 yıl boyunca Fitch Ratings AS Istanbul ofisinde Türkiye; Azerbaycan; Romanya ve Özbekistan’dan sorumlu tum sektorleri kapsayan is gelistirme kidemli direktoru olarak gorev yapmistir. Ayrica Nisan 2012 den itibaren den de Turkiye ofis direktorlugu gorevini ustlenmistir. Gülcan Üstay 2005 yilinda Fitch Ratings’e katılmadan önce 10 yıl bankacılık sektöründe çalışmis ve en son HSBC Bank AS Genel Mudurluk; ,Finansal Kurumlar departmanında ilişki yöneticisi olarak çalışmistir. Ticaret finansmanı, hazine ve yapılandırılmış finans ürünlerini gelistirmek ve pazarlamaktan sorumlu yöneticisi olarak görev yapmistir.Ayrica Turk bankalarinin kredi limit tahsis surecinde gorev almistir. Gülcan Üstay Ankara Universitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi Ekonomi İktisat Fakültesi’nden 1994 yilinda mezun olduktan sonra New York Universitesi Hazine Yönetimi Sertifikası programını tamamlamistir. Inglizce ve Fransizca konusmaktadir. Fitch Ratings Women Network üyesidir; Turkishwin Kanada Ekip lideri; 100Women Finance Toronto alt komite üyesidir. Evli; iki çocuk ve bir kedi sahibi olmaktan gurur duymaktadır.

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