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Ergem Şenyuva Tohumcu | Bringing Sustainability to Turkey

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When Ergem Şenyuva Tohumcu started her career, she didn’t know she would end up as an entrepreneur. However, the discovery of a passion to raise climate change awareness and help teach people to lead healthier, more sustainable lives set Tohumcu.
Ergem Şenyuva Tohumcu | Bringing Sustainability to Turkey

Ergem Şenyuva Tohumcu


Ergem Tohumcu on a wonderful new path; one that has led to a new frontier of sustainability in Turkey. Ergem Şenyuva Tohumcu is the founder of yesilist.com, Turkey’s first online “green directory” and sustainability platform. Tohumcu was trained by the former US Vice President Mr. Al Gore as an ambassador of Al Gore’s Climate Project in Istanbul.