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Judith Liberman | Once Upon an Anatolian Night

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Storyteller Judith Liberman speaks of that moment. That moment when everything you have done before converges to illuminate a path forward. Getting to the professional place you want to go doesn’t always require a five-year plan.
Judith Liberman | Once Upon an Anatolian Night

Judith Liberman


Judith Liberman is a storyteller, trainer and art therapist. Raised in a commune where days ended with stories by the fireside, Judith started training as a storyteller at the age of 14, and continued learning on this path for many years. She told her stories in France, the USA, India, and Turkey, anywhere from theater stages or festivals to simple fire sides and parks. In addition to her international storytelling performances, she is considered one of the initiators of the storytelling revival in Turkey, where in collaboration with universities she trains a new generation of Anatolian storytellers, hosts the radio show: “Masal bu ya” and is the author of the bestselling book “Story Therapy”. She believes that stories help us live together, they create strong communities and help us find the inner power hidden in our imagination they are a real medium of vision, imagination and change.